What about the Q10 enzyme

“We will all go Q10 together”
In the 1980s and 1990s, a lot of marketing was done about Q10. What is Q10? What are the functions?

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Q10 is actually "coenzyme Q10" is the active formUbiquinol. Ubiquinol is derived from the word Ubiquitous which means: “Which exists or is found everywhere.” So coenzyme Q10 is in every cell and in every part of the body. Read below for the features. Ubiquinol is not a vitamin but a coenzyme that was discovered in 1957 by Fred L. Crane. It is a body's own antioxidant and protects the cell. It is also a co-factor in several important conversion steps in the cell, especially energy conversion.

It occurs in greatest quantities in:

  • hart
  • lever
  • muscles
  • brain
  • pancreas
  • nervous system

Many vitamins are a precursor to a coenzyme. A coenzyme enables an enzyme to allow a chemical reaction to take place. These processes work as a kind of chain reaction. You can imagine if certain components are not or hardly present, that this chain is broken. A coenzyme functions in the cell as an on/off switch.
A number of key data at a glance:

  • Ubiquinol is fat soluble (preferably combined with omega 3)
  • animal sources: organ meats, oily fish and poultry
  • plant sources: nuts and dark green leafy vegetables [particularly broccoli, spinach, and soybeans]
  • may reduce need for blood sugar lowering blood pressure lowering medication
  • 150 mg Ubiquinol (active form) = 1200 mg Ubiquinone (oxidized form) [6-10x higher bioavailability with active form]
  • statins, beta blockers, birth control pills, diuretics have a depleting effect on Q10 production
  • The more oxidative stress, the lower the ratio between ubiquinone and ubiquinol.
  • Ubiquinol from Kaneka has a GRAS status. (generally recognized as safe)
  • A lower dose of ubiquinol because it is an active form.

The Functions of Coenzyme Q10, Ubiquinol:

  • regulatory effect on the heart
  • energy in the mitochondria (heart, muscle, kidney, liver)
  • Improving the permeability of cell membranes
  • anti-inflammatory
  • resistance supporting (increasing)
  • reduce side effects of chemotherapy and other medications
  • nerve protective
  • support of liver function
  • improves performance in sports
  • mainly bound to LDL in the body
  • against fatigue (mice study ubiquinol 150% increase in running time in the wheel, ubiquinone 60% increase compared to no Q10 addition = slight decrease. source: nutranews.org)
  • skin protection from the sun, UV damage
  • support physical activity (prevents injuries, reduces inflammation and lactic acid levels, improves athletic performance and stimulates muscle recovery
  • inhibition of arteriosclerosis
  • Q10 + selenium halve the risk of heart attack (Sweden Linköping study)
  • recovery heart-lung patients after resuscitation (leichster hospital UK)
  • Periodontitis often deficient in Q10, risk of stroke also greater
  • influencing gene expression (switching on/off, DNA protocols)

Factors that lower CoQ10 in food:

  • preservation methods
  • Artificial early ripening (gas)
  • Long term storage
  • Industrial processing methods
  • Wrong treatment at home (cooking too long, baking leads to 14%-31% loss)
  • as well as the use of medication. (statins, beta blockers, birth control pills, diuretics)
  • and the age, after the 35 years enormous decrease in own production of Q10

When do you use Q10 as a supplement?:

  • dyslipidemie
  • hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • endothelial dysfunction
  • atheroslerose
  • heart failure
  • cardiomyopathy
  • metaboolsyndroom &diabetes
  • chronic low-grade inflammation
  • MS
  • non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • neurodegenerative disorders
  • Reduced fertility
  • autism
  • fibromyalgia
  • CVS
  • migraine
  • kidney diseases and liver diseases
  • asthma
  • eye problems
  • cancer
  • traumatic brain injury
  • prolonged stress
  • (top) athletes
  • anti-ageing
  • people who are vegetarian…


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